Situated in the picturesque backwoods of Roane County West Virginia, The Sweeter Side of the Feud Distillery is family owned and operated by Mark Hatfield, the great great grandson of Devil Anse Hatfield of the famous Hatfield and McCoy Feud. A 5th generation moonshiner, Mark uses original moonshine and whiskey recipes that have been handed down from father to son dating back to 1823. The Hatfield Distillery was renovated from an old 12 stall horse barn which sits on 300 acres overlooking an 8-acre pond. Stalls that once housed horses, now stores wine and shine.
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Original Hatfield Family Moonshine
517 Colt Run
Spencer, WV 25276
Email: brenda_l_hatfield@hotmail.com
Phone: 304-373-8075
Web: hatfieldfamilymoonshine.com